
第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付


当人违背神的旨意,偏行己路,以为自己的意思、决定、见解或品味都比别人好,坚持要别人听从“我” 的决定,要一切事情都照“ 我”的意思去做的时候,就是犯了坚持己见、独断独行的毛病。


坚持己见的人所崇拜的对象就是自己,他们抗拒神的旨意,就如犯了邪术的罪一样,因为“悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等。" (撒上 15 : 23 )


圣经说:“不义的人留在刑罚之下,等侯审判的日子。” (彼后2 : 9 )坚持己见的人就是其中一类。因此,无论代价多大,我们都要摆脱这罪,以免与人不和,有伤和气,末后更要受神的审判。

有一句话可以帮助我们脱离坚持己见的罪,就是对神的旨意说 :“ 好的! ” 耶稣在客西马尼园说了这句话,当神要祂完全放下己意的时候,祂说:"父啊,不要照我的意思,只要照祢的意思。" (太26 : 39 )

耶稣顺服父神的旨意,甘受束缚,被钉在十字架上,牺牲祂的性命,使我们能从罪恶的捆绑中释放出来。让我们天天来到神面前,抓紧祂的应许,说:“祂打破了铜门,砍断了铁闩。"(诗107 : 16 )

如果我们的私意像钢门铁门那样坚固,难以克服,我们就要紧记这个事实:耶稣放下祂自己的意思,就完成了救赎我们的大功; 同样,当我们放下己意的时侯,也必得拯救。

天天学习放下己意,期望神让你遇到不如意的事,好培养一颗顺服的心,愿意对人说:“好的! " 除非他们的要求违背我们的良心,否则不要拒绝。


每当我们起了叛心或表示不高兴,就要立刻向神认罪,这样我们才可以对付自己的骄傲,我们要对神说:" 是的,父,我爱祢的旨意。”当我们不再偏行己意,我们就行在神的旨意里,充满了无穷的喜乐。




想到祢在客西马尼顺服的代价,就愿这祷告成为我的回应:“父啊,不要照我的意思,只要照祢的意思! "


阿们! ”

You Will Never Be the Same

Dr. Basilea Schlink

PART TWO: Individual Sins 


Only one will can rule, only one will can make the final decision. Either the will of our Creator, the Lord of heaven and earth, which is also revealed to us through the will of our neighbour, or our will. There is no greater example of presumptuousness than when a person, who himself is but a mere creature, seeks to assert his will against the will of his Creator. 

It is also presumptuousness, when we think that our will, our decisions, our views, our taste are better than those of our fellow men. We are indeed greatly presumptuous, if we insist upon having everything done the way we think it ought to be done. Thus we tell everyone around us that we are the ones to decide everything. Self-will is the expression of great pride, the opposite of humility, which lets us yield our wills to someone else's.

Self-willed people are hard to live with; they ruin community life. On the other hand, people whose wills are at one with God and man are bringers of peace and joy. Self-willed people idolize their own will. They rebel against the will of God and thereby are guilty of witchcraft for "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" (1 Sam. 15: 23). We cannot take the sin of self-will too seriously. 

Not only does it continually make us sin against our fellow-men, whom we torment when we insist upon having our own way, but it also separates us from God. When we act according to our self-will, we act against the will of God, including the instances where the will of God comes to us through other people.

The Holy Scriptures say that the self-willed are among the cursed children of the last days who will come under God's judgment (2 Pet. 2: 10). That is why we have to get rid of this sin no matter how high the price. There is one small word that will help us fight against this spreading cancer of self-will, which causes so much strife and discord and even ruins many a peaceful fellowship. This one small word is "Yes"; Yes to the will of God. 

This word has wonderful power. Jesus said it in Gethsemane, at the time when it probably cost Him more than ever before to surrender His will to the Father's. He overcame the trial with just a few words, "My Father, not as I will but as thou wilt" (Matt. 26: 39). Jesus said Yes to God's will ,when it was so incomprehensible to Him. Thus He redeemed us to say Yes to the will of God. This we may claim in faith.

Let us keep the picture of Jesus always in our hearts-Jesus, who yielded like a lamb to the will of the Father. Let the beauty of a will completely yielded to God captivate our hearts and let our prayers become serious, "Thy likeness print on me, Jesus, my Master." The Lord will answer our pleas more and more. Jesus not only surrendered to the will of His Father, but He also let Himself be bound to our malicious wills. Thus He can free us from the bonds of our self-will. 

Because He let Himself be bound, and surrendered His life on the cross, our chains have to be broken. Day by day claim the promises of God in prayer: "He shatters the doors of bronze, and cuts in two the bars of iron" (Ps. 107: 16). If our self-will is also like iron and we think we will never be able to overcome it, we must continue to count upon this fact: When Jesus surrendered His will, He redeemed us so that we can do the same. We must not give up, but keep fighting the battle of faith. It will end in victory.

We should surrender our wills many times a day to God, beginning every morning by expecting God to let things go against our wills during the course of the day. We must ask Him to grant us the grace to say "Yes"-unless someone demands something against our consciences. By voluntarily deciding to obey someone whom we live or work with, we will learn to break our self-will through his instructions. 

If we give thanks for all the opportunities we have to let our wills be broken through conditions and situations, we shall make the most of them by always humbling ourselves and asking for forgiveness when our first reaction was displeasure or rebellion. If we admit our sin of self-will to people and humble ourselves, our pride will be broken. If we learn how to join the Lamb of God in saying "Yes, Father, I love Your will", our self-will will no longer receive any nourishment, and will starve to death. In this way our wills will be at one with God's will and this unity will bring us deep joy.

The battle against sin is a necessity, because we have an enemy who incites us to sin. The battle of faith, calling upon the name of Jesus and His blood, frees us from the power of this enemy.

Lord Jesus,

Set me free from my self-will, which is enslaving me. Burst the chains of my ego. You have borne these chains for me and surrendered Your will to the Father's when He asked You to suffer.

 I believe that You have redeemed me and that You have put all

self-will under Your feet so that it can no longer reign over me.

In remembrance of how much it cost You to yield Your will in the Garden of Gethsemane, let this be my response: "Not my will, but Thine be done!" Cross my will, over and over again; take away the power and tenacity which it usually uses to assert itself. 

Let me hear the will of God so that I may be like a downy feather in His hand, which He can blow whither He will, and which He can rule with His will to the glory of Your redemption, which has set me free from bondage to my own will.