
第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付



耶稣治好了那十个长大麻疯的人,结果却只有一个人回来感谢祂,耶稣悲痛的说:“洁净了的不是十个人么? 那九个在哪里呢? 除了这外族人,再没有别人回来归荣耀给神么? ” (路17 : 18 ) 

今天,我们似乎比那些人更忘恩负义。神赐给了我们最宝贵的礼物一一基督的赦免和赎罪,但我们却没有感恩图报。我们本都是罪人,根本不配接受神的爱,但耶稣仍然拯救我们; 我们也不配领受神手所做的一切,但神还是赐给我们。我们岂不应该感谢祂吗? 但我们却没有这样,难怪神的烈怒要临到我们身上了。


怎样才能胜过这罪? 它的根源在哪里? 忘恩负义像其他罪一样,都是源于我们的骄傲。骄傲的人以为别人给他们好处是理所当然的,他们像瞎子一样,看不见天父赐给他们的好处。

他们下意识地以为自己所得的,无论是肉体或属灵的需用,都是他们应该得到的 ; 一旦有缺乏,就立刻埋怨神不满足他们的需要。他们对神的态度、就像人持有某种合法权利一样理直气壮。忘恩负义的人,无论神赐给他什么,他都看不见那是神的恩典。


不忘记我们从神或人所得的每样好处,是学习感恩的第一步。在学习过程中,我们会渐渐明白神是多么喜欢施恩的主(耶32 : 41 )。我们体会到神的大爱,并且知恩图报后,心里就会充满感恩和喜乐。


这样,我们渐渐更晓得进一步为困境而感谢祂,因为知道背后藏着神的慈爱和怜悯,祂必为我们预备一条出路。圣经说:“凡事谢恩, 因为这是神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。” ( 帖前5 : 18 ) 


You Will Never Be the Same

Dr. Basilea Schlink

PART TWO: Individual Sins 


Ingratitude-an ugly trait! Especially when it is directed against someone who has made sacrifices for us and done many good things for us. Our ingratitude can hurt such people deeply. What sorrow there is in Jesus' words when only one of the ten lepers that were healed came back to thank Him. "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" (Luke 17: 18).

But today our ingratitude is even more serious, because we actually do not appreciate the gift that surpasses all understanding-Jesus' forgiveness and His vicarious atonement for us. His sacrifice for us reveals that we as sinners need the redemption of Jesus and that we in no way have deserved love from God. Because everything we receive from God is undeserved, including what He lets other people give us, it should be a matter of course for us to thank Him. But, if we do not give thanks for His grace and undeserved gifts, we are like parasites and we should not be amazed when the wrath of God comes upon us.

Ingratitude is a serious sin. The Holy Scriptures say that it is one of the characteristics of the antichristian spirit of the last times (2 Tim. 3: 2). It will be judged severely by God. Therefore, we have to overcome all the ingratitude in our hearts if we are to belong to Jesus in eternity. We have to see what an ugly trait it is. We must be resolute and not tolerate it any longer, because it hurts the Father's heart so deeply and provokes His wrath against us.

How can we overcome our ingratitude? Here too we must first recognize the root. Just like many other sins, its root lies in pride. The proud take it for granted that people will give them things. Consciously or unconsciously they think they have a right to receive gifts. Their eyes are blind towards all the good things that the heavenly Father gives them. In their pride they think, even when they are not consciously aware of it, that they have the right to enough, or more than enough, nourishment, clothing and everything else they need for body and soul in this life. 

But if they do not have sufficient goods of this life, all of a sudden they remember God and accuse Him for not giving them what they need. Their attitude towards God is like that of a person who has a lawful claim upon someone else. The ungrateful do not see that it is grace, pure grace, when God gives them what they need. So we have to humble ourselves before God and ask Him to forgive us for our pride, which kept us from thanking Him. And we have to ask for a deeper repentance over our proud ingratitude.

Then we have to take the next step by beginning to record all the good things we receive, either every day or every week. That means not only realizing this in our hearts, but bringing the Father a song or prayer of thanksgiving. It also helps when we have a special "thanksgiving booklet" in which we write down everything we receive. Then at the end of the day, or at the end of the week, either alone or with our family, we can give thanks to God. In this way our hearts practise seeing what good things we have received, from other people as well as God.

Remembering the goodness of God and the kindness of men is the first step to gratitude. Along this road we will come to realize more and more deeply that God is a Father full of love who rejoices in doing us good (Jer. 32: 41). Overwhelmed by this love, our hearts will be filled more and more with gratitude and joy. For grateful people also have good reason to rejoice over God's proofs of love, while ungrateful people are dissatisfied and upset. That is a typical symptom of pride. 

But the more the Lord shows us our wretchedness and sinfulness the more our hearts will rejoice when the Father in heaven, in spite of all our sins, still gives us good gifts, and people also give us presents. More and more will we learn to give thanks for even His difficult leadings, because we have come to know that His heart of love is behind them. This heart is revealed to the grateful. "Give thanks in all circumstances", says Scripture, "for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thes. 5: 18).

God wants to turn us into grateful people! God calls into existence things-including our gratitude-that do not exist. He will form in us new creations, grateful hearts that will also be humble, joyful and loving. The grateful are always loving. They want to repay those who have done good things for them and made them happy. What a divine radiance lies upon the grateful; the radiance of the kingdom of heaven, for above we will give thanks to God and adore Him without end for all the good that He has done for us. But we will only be there if we have learned how to give thanks here.

Is there anyone who would like to close the door to heaven for himself by being ungrateful? If not, fight the good fight of faith against the sin of ingratitude, and heaven, where joy and love reign, will be opened for you here on earth.